Monday, December 16, 2013

Team Agreement

Vivy Kaye-Diamond: Researched which pollens to use, researched background info, Step One of procedure, Step Two of procedure

Shawna Blazer:

Lily Gould: Step One of procedure

Betty Glanz: Brought in rose pollen, loaded all pollens onto stub, researched background info, recorder while using SEM microscope

Addendum 12-20-13
Vivy Kaye-Diamond: Working on addendum, typing up our findings of background research, finishing step two and three of procedure.

Shawna Blazer: looking up internet photos for procedure

Lily Gould: filling out Pollen Data Table and attaching it to blog

Betty Glanz: searching for photos on flashdrive

Adendeum Winter Break
Vivy Kaye-Diamond: searching for more background information

Shawna Blazer: Highlight SEM photos

Betty Glanz: uploading SEM photos to procedure section, determine what genus of rose we're using by looking at SEM photos

Lily Gould: analyze SEM photos and fill out Pollen Data Table

Adendum 1-6-14
Vivy Kaye-Diamond: Started writing descriptions for SEM photos

Shawna Blazer: Started pollen morphology tree

Lily Gould: Started Pollen Data Table

Betty Glanz: Uploaded SEM photos to Procedure

Adendum 1-8-14
Vivy Kaye-Diamond: Moved pictures from SEM into appropriate section in Procedure, wrote descriptions of each picture, updated Team Agreement.

Shawna Blazer: Created protein sequence tree, took screenshot of the tree, made pollen morphology tree

Lily Gould: Finished Pollen Data Table

Betty Glanz: Looked for SEM winter pansy photos to borrow and cite, uploaded borrowed pansy photos, emailed other team to ask if it was okay to borrow pansy photos

Adendum 1-10-14
Vivy Kaye-Diamond: Updated team agreement, worked on SEM step of the procedure (rewatched video)

Shawna Blazer: Uploaded both trees to blog, worked on analysis of trees

Lily Gould: Absent

Betty Glanz: Worked on analysis of question and how data can be interpreted

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